Our Faculty and Staff

Mrs. Cindy Link

 1st Grade
 Email: clink@stjohnsburlington.org

Other Duties
  • B.S. Elementary Education, Dr. Martin Luther College - 1987
  • WELS Teacher Certification
  • 2006-Present - 1st Grade, St. John's Lutheran School, Burlington, WI
  • 2003-2006 - 3 year-old & 4 year-old Preschool, St. John's Lutheran School, Burlington, WI
  • Cindy and her husband, Art, live in Burlington and have 4 children.  Art is a plant electrician for WE Engergies.

    In addition to teaching at St. John's, Cindy attend Bible Studies at St. John's and sings in the summer choir.  Outside of school her interests invlude sewing, gardening, crafts, and sports.