Our Purpose

Our Purpose
Our Purpose:
St. John's Lutheran School exists to assist all the parents of the Burlington community by providing a high quality Christ-centered education.

St. John's Lutheran School...
  • Offers full-time Christian education for children ages 3-year old preschool through eighth grade.
  • Has been educating children in the greater Burlington community for over 150 years.
  • Provides opportunities for children to excel in all areas: academic, music, athletics, technology.
  • Has approx. 120 students K-8, with 25 students enrolled in the preschool.
  • Is served by ten full-time, professional educators with over 135 years combined teaching experience.
  • Has over 30 networked PCs in the computer lab and classrooms as well as SMART board technology in the classrooms and chromebook useage for grades 5-8.
  • Serves its students with teachers who are qualified, dedicated, caring and certified by the 4th largest private/parochial school system in the United States--Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod  (WELS).
  • Offers opportunities for its students to continue their Christian education at Shoreland Lutheran High School (SLHS) while others may attend the local public high school--Burlington High School (BHS)
  • St. John's Lutheran School is a member of a nationally recognized family of Christian Education. It is part of the 4th largest private/parochial school system in the United States comprised of:
    • 386 Early Childhood ministries
    • 350 Lutheran Elementary Schools
    • 25 Lutheran High Schools
    • 2 Lutheran Preparatory Schools
    • 2 Worker Training Colleges
    • 2,800 Professional Educators
    • 42,600 Students Pre-K through Grade 12
    • Schools in 35 states and 3 foreign countries