Jesus Cares Ministries:
The St. John's Jesus Cares Ministries mission is to share the gospel with people who have developmental disabilities. This program is available to BOTH members and non-members of St. John's.
Jesus Cares meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the Month from 6:00--7:30 pm. in the meeting room. The meetings begin with a devotion. Following the devotion is a short Bible story accompanied by some basic work sheets. Then we do a craft project, sing some songs, and have a snack.
If you would like more information or would like to assist in this wonderful ministry, please contact Kim Edgington.
2016-2017 Dates:
September 22 - Worship at the Cross 6:00-7:30
October 13 - Bible Class 6:00-7:30
November 10 - Bible Class 6:00-7:30
December 8 - X-mas Worship at the Cross 6:00-7:30
January 12 - Bible Class 6:00-7:30
January 26 - Bible Class 6:00-7:30
February 10 - A Night To Shine Event at Shoreland
February 23 - Bible Class 6:00-7:30
March 9 - Bible Class 6:00-7:30
April 27 - Easter Worship at the Cross 6:00-7:30
May 18 - Closing Picnic 5:00-6:30
WELS Jesus Cares Ministry