Our Mission and Objectives

Our Mission and Objectives

Our Mission:

St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church exists to BUILD UP THE BODY OF CHRIST so that we might know Christ and make Him known.

Our Objectives:

Sustain the Body of Christ: Provide abundant opportunity for every member of St. John's congregation to hear and study God's Word in its truth and purity (Romans 10: 14-15).

Strengthen the Body of Christ: Encourage all members of St. John's to diligently and regularly use the Means of Grace; the Word and Sacraments (Romans 10:17; Hebrews 10:24-25).

Nurture the Body of Christ: Develop within our members a Christian concern for the souls of our congregation, our community and the world (II Timothy 4:2).

Minister to the Body of Christ: Make each member aware of his or her talents and gifts which can be used in the service to God and their fellowmen (Ephesians 4:11-12).

Educate the Body of Christ: Assist each member in equipping themselves for Christian service in Christ's Kingdom (Ephesians 4:13).

Add to the Body of Christ: Seize every opportunity the Lord provides to evangelize lost souls (Acts 1:8).